Sketch the rectangle
The first operation is a block piece extruded a rectangular profile sketched. Start by Sketch the rectangle.
Click the Sketch Tools toolbar or Point to the sketch origin with the cursor and press the left mouse button.
Drag to create a rectangle.
Release the mouse button to complete the rectangle.
As you drag, notice that the cursor indicates the
and rectangle size that it engages the grid points.
If you prefer to work with the function latch off, click
Click the button Sketch toolbar or click on the menu.
Both sides of the rectangle in contact with the source are black. inasmuch as sketching started on the origin, the apex of thes$SUHQGHU D XWLOL]DU
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automatically to the source.
The other two sides (and three vertices) are blue. This indicates a potential moving.
Click on one side and drag the blue side or the carrying handle the corner to resize the rectangle.
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